Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Frye isn't so Ferocious

As I am reading Theory of Modes, I can't help but think of one of the first thoughts I had when I began "Archetypes of Literature": This isn't so bad after all. After everything Dr. Sexson said about this book being so horribly tedious and necessary of a hand-hold throughout the semester, I was a little intimidated and frightened to begin. I was pleasantly surprised when I started reading and realized that it was conquerable at worst. With words like "we" instead of "I" as personal pronouns, I often find myself feeling that I am simply sitting in a classroom listening to a lecture by Frye. I have learned that he is not verbose, but instead vastly thorough in his explanations and examples, which only serves to allow the reader an even better understanding of what he is saying. I am now less frightened of my time with "Anatomy of Criticism".

Northrop Frye, I may actually start to like you after all.

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